Before you jump into bed, check out this info (with pictures) to see how to properly put on a male and female condom.

Don’t forget the lube… &

have fun…


1 Open the condom wrapper using the easy-tear edges.

These are the zig-zag edges on either side of the wrapper that are designed to tear apart quickly and easily.
    Don’t get carried away in your passion: don’t shred open the foil, and stay away from scissors, teeth, machetes, or any other sharp instrument to open a condom wrapper, or you could tear the condom itself!
    If it’s your last condom and you destroy it, party’s over!


2 Determine which way the condom is rolled.

This can be difficult to do, particularly if you’re in the dark. Instead of trying to see which way the condom is rolled, feel it with your fingers:
    Placing one hand on either side, pinch the rolled ring of the condom between your thumb and fingers.


    Gently roll the condom in one direction with your fingers. If it resists rolling, this is not the direction in which you will want to unroll the condom over the penis.


    Careful: don’t unroll more than one roll, as unraveling it will reduce the condom’s efficacy (how well it works)—and make it’s frustratingly difficult to put on. Re-roll the condom after you’ve determined the proper unrolling direction.


3 Tips Up!

Make sure the reservoir at the tip of the condom is pointing in the right direction. This reservoir should already be on the outer tip of the condom but can sometimes become inverted during packaging. Make sure the reservoir is oriented so that the rest of the condom rolls away from it.


4 Lube it Up!

Place a small drop of water-based lubricant inside the tip of the condom. This can make the condom easier to apply. Make sure this is a very small drop, as you don’t want to compete with the sperm for space inside the reservoir tip.


5 Make sure the penis is fully erect.

A condom should always fit snugly over a penis, leaving no tight or baggy spots. If rolled over a penis that is not yet fully erect, it will fit awkwardly and be more likely to fall off or tear during sex.
    If more time is needed for a full erection, set the condom aside with the reservoir pointing up so that you know which way it should unroll. Pick it up again when you’re both ready.


6 Pinch the entire reservoir at the tip of the condom shut.

This eliminates the possibility of creating an air pocket inside the condom when it is worn, reducing the chance of breakage and providing the semen with a place to go during ejaculation.


7 Roll the condom on.

The condom should easily unroll down the length of the shaft. If it turns out that you are trying to put the condom on backwards, throw it away and start over. An erect penis produces fluid prior to ejaculation (called “pre-cum”) that can contain sperm. If a condom has been exposed to this fluid, flipping it over and re-applying it may cause pregnancy and/or the transmission of an STD. How you apply the condom will depend on whether or not the penis is circumcised.

Circumcised penis

    :Pinching the reservoir shut with one hand, place the condom against the tip of the erect penis. With your other hand, push pubic hair out of the way if necessary, then gently roll the condom down the entire shaft of the penis, smoothing out any air bubbles that may appear.

Uncircumcised penis

    : Pinching the reservoir shut with one hand, place the condom against the tip of the erect penis. With your other hand, push pubic hair out of the way if necessary, roll the condom slightly over the tip of the penis to get it started, then gently pull back the foreskin. Slide your first hand from the reservoir tip down to the rolled ring of the condom and roll it down the entire length of the shaft. Use one hand to hold the bottom of the condom in place at the bottom of the shaft and then push the foreskin forward inside the condom with the other hand. Smooth out any air bubbles if necessary.


8 Smooth lubricant over the condom if necessary.

Sexual lubrication decreases the risk of damage to not only the condom, but also to those having sex. Some lubricants even contain spermicides that can help reduce the risk of pregnancy. If your condom isn’t already lubricated, apply it to both the condom and the other partner, particularly if you are engaging in anal sex.

Do not over-apply lube, as friction is necessary for stimulation.

Never apply on oil- or petroleum-based lubricant to a latex condom

    , as they can cause it to deteriorate. This means do not use vasoline, body lotion, cool-whip, butter,chocolate syrup. Water- and silicon-based lubricants are both safe to use with latex, but water-based lube washes off more easily and won’t stain your sheets.


9 Check the condom periodically during use for breaks.

If a condom breaks or becomes loose during sex, replace it immediately and consider using emergency contraception such as the morning-after pill. The morning-after pill prevents pregnancy before it happens by delaying ovulation, blocking fertilization, or preventing an egg from implanting int he uterus; it is not an the same thing as the abortion pill.


10 Replace condom if alternating between different types of sex.

If switching from anal to vaginal sex, for example, switch condoms to reduce the risk of infection -like a UTI or e-coli from the rectum can cause bladder infections.


11 Immediately after ejaculation, withdraw penis and remove condom.

Grasp the bottom of the condom with your hand and withdraw, preventing the condom from slipping off or spilling. Do not allow the penis to go flaccid within the condom before withdrawal, as this can cause the condom to fall off and remain inside the partner.


12 Dispose of the condom discreetly.

Tie the open end in a knot to prevent spillage, wrap it in toilet paper or tissue, and throw it in a trash can – do not flush it down the toilet.


1 Practice using the female condom

Though female condoms typically cost around $4 per condom and can only be used once, you should practice using the condom on your own instead of using it for the first time right before sex. Though inserting the condom is easy once you get the hang of it, you should try it on your own at least once or twice to make sure that you can get it right when the time comes.


2 Remove the condom from the package.

Once you’ve determined that the condom is ready for use, just tear the arrow at the top of the package and remove the female condom.


3 Put spermicide or lubricant on the outside of the closed end.

Using spermicides along with the female condom can further reduce your risk of pregnancy. Though the female condom will already be lubricated, extra lubricant can make it easier to insert and use the condom.


4 Find a comfortable position.

To insert the female condom, you’ll have to find a position that works for you. It’s just like inserting a tampon — you have to get comfortable and have access to your vagina before you can insert the condom. You can try squatting on the ground, laying down, or placing one foot on top of a chair.


5 Squeeze the sides of the inner ring together.

Hold the sides together similarly to how you would hold a pencil. Though the condom will be a bit slippery because of the lubricant, make sure you have a reasonably firm grip before you insert it.


6 Insert the inner ring and condom into your vagina.

Insert it like a tampon. Push it up with your finger.


7 Push the inner ring into the vagina, aiming towards the small of your back until it reaches the cervix.

Once it reaches the cervix, it will naturally expand and you won’t be able to feel it anymore. Again, this is much like inserting a tampon — if you can still feel it inside you, then you didn’t put it in correctly.


8 Pull out your finger.

Make sure that the outer ring is hanging at least an inch outside the vagina. If it’s hanging much further out, you may need to check if the inner ring is really inserted correctly.


9 Insert your partner’s penis into the female condom.

Once you’ve inserted the condom and are ready for sex, have your partner guide his penis into the outer ring that is hanging outside of your vagina. You can help guide his penis into the condom correctly. Make sure that his penis is actually going into the condom instead of touching one wall of your vagina as well as the condom.
    It’s normal for the female condom to move from side to side once you’re having sex. As long as the inner ring is still inserted and your man’s penis is in the condom, you’re good to go. If his penis has slipped out or the condom has come loose, you can comfortably reinsert it as long as the man hasn’t ejaculated yet. Once the man ejaculates, you can remove and throw out the female condom.
    If you hear a loud noise because of the condom during sex, you can apply more lubricant.


10 Squeeze and twist the outer ring

Grasp the outer ring firmly before you twist it. This will keep the semen inside the pouch in the condom.


11 Gently remove the condom from your vagina or anus.

Do this slowly while holding the twisted top of the condom together.


12 Throw the condom away./strong>

Just like a male condom, the female condom cannot be reused. Just throw it in the garbage — do not flush it.

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