I’m Sonia K. Gonzalez. I’m earning a doctorate of public health from the City University of New York School of Public Health and this project is for my dissertation research. This project is an out-growth of the more than 15 year of public health experience I have serving youth and young adults. I am especially grateful to the Community Advisory Committee who helped me get this project off the ground. If you have questions, use the contact form below to reach me directly.

SoniaOur intention is to have medically accurate sexual health info easily available for those oops moments when you need it and just when you might want to know more about sex, sexuality or some basics like about your body.

Input to make this comes from *lots* of New York City women.

Some of them were women over 25 years old who have been working with teens and young adults.

Special thanks goes to the young adult advisors and focus group participants who helped us design the look of the app and helping us decide what content to have in the app.

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